AS37577 Orange, page 5

Spam statistics of AS37577 Orange

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Burkina Faso
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS37577

Owner of AS37577

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS37577 is Orange Botswana, which is a subsidiary of the multinational telecommunications corporation Orange S.A.

Main Operational Activity

Orange Botswana's main operational activity involves providing a range of telecommunication services. This includes mobile network services, internet access, and various other communication-related services to customers in Botswana.

Establishment of AS37577

The establishment date of AS37577 is not publicly disclosed in standard ASN information repositories. For details regarding the establishment and operational history, one would typically need to refer to the organization's corporate records or contact the organization directly.

Malicious Use of AS37577

As with many ASNs, there may be incidents where parts of the network are misused by malicious actors for activities such as hacking or spamming. According to, a service that tracks spam and other security incidents, there may be records of spamming activity originating from AS37577. It is important for network operators like Orange Botswana to implement robust security measures to mitigate such threats and respond promptly to abuse reports.

For real-time and detailed information on any potential malicious use of AS37577, you can refer to security databases and services that track this kind of activity, such as However, please note that without recent data, we cannot conclusively say whether AS37577 is currently being used for malicious purposes.

WhoIs AS37577


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
121102.180.188.0/22Burkina Faso1024200.00%
122102.180.192.0/22Burkina Faso1024100.00%
123102.180.196.0/22Burkina Faso1024300.00%
124102.180.200.0/24Burkina Faso256200.00%
125102.180.200.0/22Burkina Faso1024200.00%
126102.180.208.0/22Burkina Faso1024100.00%
127102.180.208.0/24Burkina Faso256100.00%
128102.180.212.0/22Burkina Faso1024100.00%
129102.180.216.0/22Burkina Faso1024200.00%
130102.180.236.0/22Burkina Faso1024300.00%
131197.239.64.0/24Burkina Faso256300.00%
132197.239.65.0/24Burkina Faso2562800.00%
133197.239.72.0/24Burkina Faso256100.00%
134197.239.76.0/24Burkina Faso2561000.00%
135197.239.76.0/22Burkina Faso10241200.00%
136197.239.80.0/24Burkina Faso25617800.00%
137197.239.80.0/22Burkina Faso102427900.00%
138197.239.80.0/21Burkina Faso204827900.00%
139197.239.88.0/22Burkina Faso10246000.00%
140197.239.92.0/22Burkina Faso102415500.00%
141197.239.96.0/24Burkina Faso256300.00%
142197.239.96.0/22Burkina Faso1024300.00%
143197.239.108.0/24Burkina Faso2562800.00%
144197.239.108.0/22Burkina Faso10245300.00%
145197.239.112.0/22Burkina Faso102427900.00%
146197.239.112.0/24Burkina Faso25619800.00%