CleanTalk Anti-Spam setup on MODX
Go to your Anti-Spam Dashboard
1. Go to your website manager panel. Find "Extras" section in the upper menu, choose "Installer".
2. Click "Select a Provider" from a drop-down list.
Choose official provider
3. Click "Download Extras"
Search for "cleantalk" (1) then click "Download" (2).
4. Click "Back to Package Management".
5. Click "Install" antispambycleantalk.
"OK" after install
6. Go to Configuration section –> "System Settings".
Fill with "cleantalk" in filter field and press Enter. Copy and paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard to antispambycleantalk.api_key and check plugin status (must be "Yes").
You can add exclusions for URLs if you need it (antispambycleantalk.exclusions_url option). For example, to exclude URL you should enter category/ajax.php.
7. Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail The CleanTalk message must be shown.
Manual Installation
1. Download the archive.
2. Copy downloaded file to "/core/packages".
3. Go to your website manager panel. Find "Extras" section in the upper menu, choose "Installer".
4. Choose "Search Locally for Packages" from drop-down list
and click "Yes".
5. Click "Install" antispambycleantalk.
"OK" after install
6. Go to Configuration section –> "System Settings".
Fill with "cleantalk" in filter field and press Enter. Copy and paste the access key from your CleanTalk Dashboard to antispambycleantalk.api_key and check plugin status (must be "Yes").
You can add exclusions for URLs if you need it (antispambycleantalk.exclusions_url option). For example, to exclude URL you should enter category/ajax.php.
7. Do a test registration using the blacklisted e-mail The CleanTalk message must be shown.
How to Add Website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard
Please, use this guide to add a website to CleanTalk Anti-Spam Dashboard:
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