How to Use the CleanTalk APIs for Website Uptime Monitoring
We offer our APIs for managing Website Uptime Monitoring. The interface is available here:
Uptime Monitoring Guide:
General Information 
API monitoring_services_get 
API monitoring_services_add 
API monitoring_services_delete 
API monitoring_services_update 
General Information
Protocol - HTTPS
Hostname -
API monitoring_services_get
Input Parameters
Transfer parameters via methods GET and POST.
method_name allowed value: monitoring_services_get
user_token allowed values: you can get it in your dashboard in your CleanTalk Control Panel.
start shift for the first record of the list, by default is 0
length limit of record quantity in the response, by default is 100, allowed values: 10, 25, 50, 100
order[0][dir] sorting direction of the records, allowed values: asc, desc
order[0][column] field index, records are being sorted by it
columns[0][data] field name of the record sorting, allowed values: monitor_id, URL, created, status, http_full_response_time, updown_duration, check_datetime
draw arbitrary value, will be sent in the response for the asynchronous requests.
Output Parameters
recordsTotal number of records without any filters
recordsFiltered number of records when filters are applied
draw arbitrary value, input parameters value
data monitor array:
- monitor_id monitor ID
- user_id user ID
- URL website URL
- created monitor creation time
- check_datetime Date and time of the last website availability check
- check_datetime Date and time of the last website availability check
- checks_interval Interval in seconds between checks
- down_datetime Date and time of the last website DOWN event
- down_duration Duration in seconds of the last DOWN event
- down_events_count_7d Number of DOWN events in the previous 7 days
- down_events_losses_7d Number of seconds of inactivity (DOWN event) for the previous 7 days
- email_notification_delay Delay in seconds before sending notification
- email_notification_sent Date and time of the last notification
- email_notification_status_sent Website status at the time of previous notification
- http_full_response_time Time in seconds of the full website load: DNS query + site access + HTML content downloading
- http_full_response_time_avg_1d Average response time in seconds last 24 hours ago
- http_full_response_time_avg_7d Average response time in seconds last 7 days ago
- http_full_response_time_progress Dynamics of the average URL response time for the previous 24 hours relative to 7 days ago
- http_method Check method: HEAD — is the most optimal way of checking the website availability, it doesn't create any unwanted load, but doesn't show site errors either. GET — the website page will be fully loaded with this option. It can load the website if there is a large number of requests. It is recommended to be used only in cases when you need to find out what type of error the site gives.
- status Current validation status. ACTIVE - validation is running, PAUSE - validation is stopped
- updown_datetime Date and time of the current state
- updown_duration Duration in seconds of the current state
- updown_http_status Current state
{"data":[{"monitor_id":"4826","user_id":"253332","created":"2020-11-17 10:29:05","URL":"http:\/\/\/","status":"ACTIVE","monitoring_type":"HTTP","check_datetime":"2020-11-17 10:29:24","http_full_response_time":"0.068","http_status":"1","email_notification_sent":null,"email_notification_status_sent":null,"updown_http_status":"UP","updown_datetime":"2020-11-17 10:29:24","updown_duration":"5","down_datetime":null,"down_duration":null,"http_full_response_time_progress":null,"http_full_response_time_avg_1d":null,"http_full_response_time_avg_7d":null,"down_events_count_7d":null,"down_events_losses_7d":null,"http_method":"HEAD","checks_interval":"180","email_notification_delay":"60"}],"draw":"4","recordsTotal":"1","recordsFiltered":"1","currentPage":0}
Possible Errors
{"data":{"result":"FAIL","notice":"User token not found","operation_code":"51"}}
API monitoring_services_add
Input Parameters
method_name allowed value: monitoring_services_add
user_token allowed value: you can get it in your dashboard in your CleanTalk Control Panel.
URL website valid URL
- Data array, example: URL[][]
- String, comma as a separator, example:,
http_method Checking method, allowed values: HEAD (default value), GET
checks_interval How often the check will be performed, allowed values: 60,120,180 (default value),120,300,600,900,1800,3600
email_notification_delay How quickly the notification will be sent, allowed values: 0 (default value),60,300,900,1800,3600
Output Parameters
monitors monitor array:
- monitor_id monitor ID
- operation_status operation status
Possible Errors
{"data":{"result":"FAIL","notice":"User token not found","operation_code":"51"}}
{"error_message":"URL is required","error_no":"1"}
{"error_message":"http_method must be in HEAD or GET","error_no":"48"}
{"error_message":"checks_interval must be in (60,120,180,120,300,600,900,1800,3600)","error_no":"49"}
{"error_message":"email_notification_delay must be in (0,60,300,900,1800,3600)","error_no":"401"}
{"data":{"monitors":[{"URL":"http:\/\/\/","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"URL already exists","operation_code":"6"}]}}
{"data":{"monitors":[{"URL":"http:\/\/","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"License limit exceeded","operation_code":"7"}]}}
API monitoring_services_delete
Input Parameters
method_name allowed value: monitoring_services_delete
user_token allowed values: you can get it in your dashboard in your CleanTalk Control Panel.
- Data array, example: monitorig_ids[]=3985411&monitorig_ids[]=3985397
- String, comma as a separator, example: monitorig_ids=3985411,3985397
Output Parameters
monitors monitor array:
- monitor_id monitor ID
- operation_status operation status
Possible Errors
{"error_message":"monitor_ids is required","error_no":"22"},4831
{"data":{"monitors":[{"monitor_id":"4830","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Monitor not found","operation_code":"21"},{"monitor_id":"4831","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Monitor not found","operation_code":"21"}]}}
API monitoring_services_update
Input Parameters
method_name allowed value: monitoring_services_update
user_token allowed values: you can get it in your dashboard in your CleanTalk Control Panel.
- Data array, example: monitorig_ids[]=3985411&monitorig_ids[]=3985397
- String, comma as a separator, example: monitorig_ids=3985411,3985397
URL allowed values: valid URL
status allowed values: ACTIVE or PAUSE
http_method allowed values: HEAD or GET
checks_interval allowed values: 60,120,180,120,300,600,900,1800,3600
email_notification_delay allowed values: 0,60,300,900,1800,3600
Output Parameters
monitors monitor array:
- monitor_id monitor ID
- operation_status operation status
Possible Errors
{"data":{"error_message":"monitor_ids is required","error_no":"41"}},4849&status=PAUSE
{"data":{"monitors":[{"monitor_id":"4847","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Monitor not found","operation_code":"44"},{"monitor_id":"4849","operation_status":"FAILED","operation_message":"Monitor not found","operation_code":"44"}]}},4848&status=TEST
{"error_message":"status must be in ACTIVE or PAUSE","error_no":"47"},4848&http_method=TEST
{"error_message":"http_method must be in HEAD or GET","error_no":"48"},4848&checks_interval=TEST
{"error_message":"checks_interval must be in (60,120,180,120,300,600,900,1800,3600)","error_no":"49"},4848&email_notification_delay=5
{"error_message":"email_notification_delay must be in (0,60,300,900,1800,3600)","error_no":"401"}
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