How to use WP-CLI with the Anti-Spam plugin

WP-CLI is a command-line tool for WordPress development and administrative tasks. It offers a variety of commands to help you efficiently manage the CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin without having to log in to the dashboard.


1) Install the latest version of the WP-CLI tool on your server.

2) Install our Anti-Spam plugin. Changes have been made since version 6.25.

3) Instead of manual installation, you can unpack the plugin zip to the wp-content/plugins directory and run the WP command then:

wp plugin install cleantalk-spam-protect --activate

This could be useful if you have a lot of sites with the same basic content.

How to use

Open your command-line tool and enter:

wp cleantalk

You'll see prompts:

usage: wp cleantalk create
   or: wp cleantalk settings
   or: wp cleantalk template

See "wp help cleantalk <command>" for more information on a specific command.

Available commands:

Adding a service: (you can find a token in your profile)

wp cleantalk create --token=your_token

Switch settings:

You can disable the SpamFireWall option using this command:

wp cleantalk settings --spamfirewall=off

Or enable it:

wp cleantalk settings --spamfirewall=on

You can also use the following commands instead of SpamFireWall:

  • registrationsform
  • commentsform
  • contactsform
  • searchform
  • checkexternal
  • checkinternal

Using template settings:

Get a list of available templates:

wp cleantalk template list

Set a template:

wp cleantalk template set --id=template_id

Reset settings to default:

wp cleantalk template set reset


If you haven't found the answer to your question, please, contact our support team.


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